How To Install Node For React Native On Mac

  суббота 29 декабря
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In the “Getting Started” web page on the Facebook’s React Native GitHub, they introduce to install the way of tools as CLI. But I recommend the way of GUI as 2-2 steps. First, install Chocolatey to install node.js and python2 on the Windows System on the Reactive Native’s GitHub.

How To Install Node For React Native On Mac

As I said before, I shared with you about my mistake. In today’s blog, I want to share how to setup the React Native development on Wi ndows. To get started with this hands-on tutorial, you will need the notebook running on Windows OS, as well as the software tools of Node, Python2, a JDK, and Android Studio. Prerequisites Although my surface notebook is operating on Windows 8.1, it doesn’t matter what your operating systems are. Most users are the same or higher version of Windows 8. First of all, it is necessary that the Windows system is only supported on the Android platform.

If you develop or test on your codes on both smartphone platform – iOS and Android, you should use the Mac book. Also, you can automatically check what your Operating System is like the Facebook’s GitHub. [Feature 1: React Native’s Github] 2-1. CLI – Install Node, Python2, and JDK8 There are two ways of installing Node, Python2, JDK. One is to use CLI – Command line Interface, and the other is to use GUI – Graphic User Interface. In the “Getting Started” web page on the Facebook’s React Native GitHub, they introduce to install the way of tools as CLI. But I recommend the way of GUI as 2-2 steps.

First, install Chocolatey to install node.js and python2 on the Windows System on. Is one of the popular package managers for Windows. Please copy the following sentence and then enter it on your command prompt.

[Feature 2: Install Chocolatey] @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command “iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘;))” && SET “PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE% chocolatey bin” Second, close a command prompt and reopen the command prompt as Administrator like the below picture [Feature 3]. If you have already installed Node.js on your system, make sure it is version 4 or newer. Also, if you are needed to more installation options, you should go to. [Feature 3: Install node.js on cmd] Please copy the following command on your command prompt and enter it. Choco install nodejs.install or cinst nodejs After finishing it successfully, you can check the latest version of node.js and npm. On May 10, 2017, the latest version of node.js is v7.10.0, and of npm is v4.2.0. Also, you could meet the message of “Node is installed!” after executing the following command on your command prompt – [Feature 4].

Please copy and then run them as the below. Node -v npm -v node hello.js [Feature 4: Check node.js] Third, you can install python2 on the Command Prompt as the below picture – [Feature 5]. [Feature 5: Install Python2] choco install python2 Fourth, if you already have a JDK on your system, it is essential to the version 8 or newer. You must install a recent version of the Java SE Development Kit (JDK). Thus, you can install JDK8 on the command prompt as the below picture – [Feature 6]. [Feature 6: Install JDK 8] Please copy the following command and run it.

Choco install jdk8 2-2. GUI – Install Node, Python2, and JDK8 Unlike 2-1 steps, these are the installing way of GUI. Why this way? The reason is it’s not only simple and intuitive but also we don’t have to install Chocolatey. So you firstly can download the latest version of JDK – JDK8 – on the Oracle’s downloads page. On May 10, 2017, the version of Java SE development kit 8 is 8u131.

So you will have a different version at other days. I also recommend downloading and installing as below picture – [Feature 7]. [Feature 7: Download and Install JDK8] Second, without opening a Command Prompt, you can like [Feature 8]. On May 10, 2017, the version of current features is v7.10.0 – node-v7.10.0-x64.msi. [Feature 8: download node.js] When you’re installed node.js for Windows x64 on your system, you must choose the option of custom setup and then check to install npm and add to the path as [Feature 9]. After finishing it successfully, you can check the latest version of node.js and npm on your command prompt like [Feature 4]. Resize table option missing from excel for mac download.