Games Like Fallout 2 For Mac

  вторник 05 февраля
Games Like Fallout 2 For Mac 5,0/5 1151 reviews

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However, I just discovered that Fallout 1 and 2 is available for Mac (which I have). There are a lot of games like Fallout 3 that ran at one point in WINE, but won't.

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• Posts promoting or facilitating piracy in any way will be removed. Piracy is a permanent ban, no warnings. All posts and comments in end, come down to moderator discretion. WRITE THIS [War. War never changes](/spoiler) SEE THIS - The lore of the Fallout series - Classic Fallout Games - Fallout 3 community - Fallout: New Vegas community - Fallout 4 community - Fallout 76 community - Fallout modding community - Fallout Shelter community - Fallout Fan Art - Fallout 'Humor' - Journal-like fan fiction. - A subreddit for the Wasteland games.


- Fallout-related cosplay - Fallout-sounding music. So According to the games Wikipedia page, Fallout 1 and 2 were both released on mac. I currently don't own a PC of any sort and have been playing a lot of Iso RPG's on my mac. I recently bought Icewindale 2 complete and Torment from GOG and I enjoyed both of those games a lot. Before my pc died, I played through Baldurs gate 2 and LOVED every minute of it. But I really want to play the first 2 fallouts. Can I really play them on mac or is that Wikipedia being missinformed?

Here is a link to both game pages: Fallout 1 Fallout 2 • • • • •. Back in 2013 because of Bethesda's ongoing legal battle with the Fallout IP finally ending the IP made a complete switch over to Bethesda, because of the switch from Interplay to Bethesda GOG and Steam had to pull the copies of the game they had for sale from the store.

Later after this Bethesda restored this and both platforms got the rights back to sell the product but this did not include the mac versions of the game that they were selling, and the versions they are currently selling are different from the ones they had before (very minor differences). Anyone who bought it prior to this event like I imagine did still have access to the original files and are able to download it you just aren't able to purchase it anymore. Because of this, your only options to my knowledge are to either buy the Windows version and use a wrapper or windows emulator or you can pirate the old GOG Mac version they had available if it's anywhere on the net. I also know that they have Mac versions for sale over on amazon but I don't believe those original discs will work on modern computers I only think the GOG pack would work properly, the version GOG sold before I believe was packed in with the windows emulator Wine preinstalled so you can always try to set that up yourself but I don't know how hard that'd be for you.